campaignTrail_temp.cyoa = true cyoAdventure = function (a) { ans = campaignTrail_temp.player_answers[campaignTrail_temp.player_answers.length - 1] if(ans == 977){ campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json[1]["fields"].first_name = "William Randolph"; campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json[1]["fields"].last_name = "Hearst"; campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json[1]["fields"].image_url = ""; campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json[1]["fields"].electoral_victory_message = "

hearst win placeholder

"; campaignTrail_temp.candidate_json[1]["fields"].electoral_loss_message = "

hearst loss placeholder

"; campaignTrail_temp.question_number = 24; } if(ans == 1609){ campaignTrail_temp.question_number = 24; } } campaignTrail_temp.questions_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 138, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"After some days of balloting, it has become clear that you are in pole position to win the Democratic nomination at this year’s Convention in St. Louis. The party machine carrying your name remains sharply opposed by the Bryan faction, who rally around Hearst. At the last minute, Bryan’s delegates have maneuvered to defeat a plank in favor of the gold standard, precipitating a catastrophic schism. How will you approach this issue?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 145, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"In light of your telegram, and the defeat of the gold plank, the Convention has adopted an attitude that their silence on currency stems from it not being an issue of the campaign -- while clearly not true, the agreement of the party with your stance has been expressed clearly by your overwhelming victory over Hearst in the delegate count. Would you like to elaborate further on your position in your letter of acceptance?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 142, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"Your telegram to the Convention has received significant coverage in the newspapers, with some calling it the bravest act in political history. Overnight, your status has gone from that of a stilted, uncharismatic judge, to that of a strong-silent hero.
As your formal notifying awaits, you must prepare your letter of acceptance -- what theme would you like to emphasize most?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 193, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"Grover Cleveland has sent you a letter, its contents including a warm congratulations on the occasion of your nomination, as well as an offer to campaign for you. How would you like to respond?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 196, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"To mollify the silverites, a position on currency was omitted from the platform -- however, in exchange, one of Bryan’s signature policies, the progressive income tax, was dropped as well. Do you plan to speak on the idea?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 139, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"Tammany Hall, the ethnic political machine that has for so long controlled Democratic politics, is seen as a kingmaker within the party, and indeed, their acquiescence was a decisive factor in your nomination.
Would you like to make any deals with that faction to unite the party?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 141, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"It is August, and the time has come to your formal notification of nomination. You are to make a speech from your home in Rosemount, and throngs of visitors have come by boat to see you. It is pouring rain.
How will you capitalize upon your newfound hero-status in this speech?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 194, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"In recent years, a more personalized style of campaigning has become popular. As your available expenditures are significantly less than the Republicans, it is thought that the most efficient form of spreading the Democratic message would be to conduct a front-porch campaign, similar to that of McKinley’s winning strategy in the past two elections.\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 197, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"A Republican campaign textbook has come into the possession of your team which makes startling insinuations about your motivations. Sensationally, the Times reports an accusation that by voting for Bryan twice and withholding your position on the gold standard until the last minute, “he has done all within his power as a citizen to establish the silver standard.”
Will you respond to this development?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 148, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"New York’s Democrats are in the midst of a power struggle. Patrick McCarren, an ally of yours, faces off against the Tammany boss Charles Murphy, who did all he could to prevent your candidacy, for control of the State Executive.
McCarren holds the office of Executive Chairman, but is under immense pressure to give way. Do you wish to intervene?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 195, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"Tariff reform is the lodestar of your party’s platform this year, with the Convention ratifying a plank that lambasted so-called Dingleyism as “robbery of the many to enrich the few.” How do you mean to go about the revision of tariffs if elected?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 237, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"You have stated clearly your support for granting independence to the Philippines. With a low-intensity conflict ongoing in the isles, how would you like to elaborate your position?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 225, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"In Atlanta to-day, the Populist nominee for President, Thomas Watson, challenged your position on race, and criticized your address to James Ross, leader of the National Negro Democratic League, as if they were your equals. He demands to know if you would, like Roosevelt, seat Booker Washington at the White House, whether you would appoint Negroes to office in the South, and whether you approve of Cleveland’s introduction of mixed schools in New York, among other questions.\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 140, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"The Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis has drawn the wonder and curiosity of countless visitors from across the world. President Roosevelt opened the fair in April, and to your delight was overshadowed by the enthusiastic reception of President Cleveland. Now it is September: would you like to make plans to visit the World’s Fair?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 250, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"The former governor-general of the Philippines and current Secretary of War, William Howard Taft, has preposterously attacked your party’s stance against American occupation of that country. He says that proposals for immediate independence have emboldened the Moro rebels and prolonged the conflict over there -- will you respond to this charge?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 144, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"In the hopes of building an isthmian canal through Central America, President Roosevelt last year intervened on behalf of Panamanian separatists to win their independence from Colombia.
On his order to “make dirt fly,” construction has begun on the Panama Canal. Do you indorse this project?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 249, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Your party has been desperately short of money throughout the campaign. After the defeat of the fantastically wealthy Hearst, you have relied solely on the donations of your running mate (not much in itself) and Thomas Fortune Ryan.
How will you seek to remedy this?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 240, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"The campaign grows late. Concerned by the near-unanimous opinion of the press that Roosevelt is guaranteed réelection, you are advised to embark on a speaking tour to turn out support in those crucial states you will need to win.
Thomas Fortune Ryan has agreed to bankroll whichever trip you endeavor to take.\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 149, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"During his time in office, President Roosevelt has made a name as a trust-buster, most famously breaking up the Northern Securities Company earlier this year. While maintaining his support for capitalism, the President has come under a great deal of scrutiny from the business community. Will you take a stance on the matter?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 214, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"The South American country of Venezuela was last year under a blockade by the combined powers of Britain, France, and Germany, over an issue related to Venezuela’s inability to pay debts owed to creditors of those nations. Under the auspices of the Monroe Doctrine, Roosevelt intervened on Venezuela’s behalf, settling the issue in arbitration. Do you support his actions?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 241, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Your record as a jurist is one of sympathy to labor. In the National Protective Association case, you ruled for the right of unions to strike under more liberal circumstances than have been granted by other judges of the day.
Will you carry this progressive mindset to the White House?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 228, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Though much belated, you have received word that William Jennings Bryan is preparing an indorsement of your campaign, and will offer his services to you on the stump.\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 217, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"A sensational development has occurred. Pulitzer’s New York Daily World to-day published a scathing editorial accusing the Republican National Chairman, George Cortelyou, of blackmailing the trusts and corporations with information held over from his time heading the Bureau of Corporations.
It is alleged that he leveraged this information to solicit funds from them. This may just be the break you need.\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 239, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"As the Cortelyou scandal develops, a prominent New York banker, Daniel S. Lamont, has called on you. He gives you solid evidence that Roosevelt invited influential trust magnates to a secret White House conference, wherein he demanded their financial support. He comes off as entirely genuine and believable, but when pressed, will not name his source.
Lamont has sworn you to secrecy about this information.\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 251, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -1, \"description\": \"Before now, the President kept his distance from all matters of campaigning, and let Cortelyou and Fairbanks do the work for him. Now he has come roaring back to the fore, denying the allegations against Cortelyou in the strongest terms, and challenging you to produce a single piece of evidence to prove it. As you speak to-night at the Kings County Democratic Club in Brooklyn, will you answer him, and break the vow you made to Lamont?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}]"); campaignTrail_temp.answers_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 976, \"fields\": {\"question\": 138, \"description\": \"I regard the gold standard as firmly established, and shall act accordingly if the action of the Convention to-day shall be ratified by the people. As the platform is silent on the subject, my view should be made known to the Convention, and, if it is proved to be unsatisfactory to the majority, I request you to decline the nomination for me at once, so that another may be nominated before adjournment.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 977, \"fields\": {\"question\": 138, \"description\": \"I regard the gold standard as highly unsuitable for a national currency, and shall act accordingly if the action of the Convention to-day shall be ratified by the people. As the platform is silent on the subject, my view should be made known to the Convention, and, if it is proved to be unsatisfactory to the majority, I request you to decline the nomination for me at once, so that another may be nominated before adjournment.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 980, \"fields\": {\"question\": 139, \"description\": \"I propose a formal recognition of Tammany Hall, and their treatment by the party with the utmost liberality. We must cement harmony fast by every available means, and no make-believe harmony at that, but the real thing.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 981, \"fields\": {\"question\": 139, \"description\": \"The status quo serves us well enough. I do not want to be seen as overly favorable to an organization that has made many errors in the past, and has a reputation for corruption.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 982, \"fields\": {\"question\": 139, \"description\": \"Tammany must be made smart for the errors of their ways in the past few years. I will campaign on reducing the corrupting influence of political machines wherever they may undermine our democracy.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 984, \"fields\": {\"question\": 140, \"description\": \"I would prefer to remain at Rosemount. An exhausting trip to Missouri at this point would disrupt the flow of our front-porch campaign, and I would prefer to refrain from making speeches except where situations demand I make them.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 985, \"fields\": {\"question\": 140, \"description\": \"I can think of no better way to fraternize with my supporters out west than to embark on a trip to the World’s Fair. Let us make haste to get there -- St. Louis ho!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 986, \"fields\": {\"question\": 140, \"description\": \"I have seen reports that Charles Fairbanks is in Missouri. While I intend to remain at Rosemount, I should like Henry Davis to set out for the Fair to stump for the campaign and greet our supporters.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 987, \"fields\": {\"question\": 140, \"description\": \"Instead of diverting the course of our Rosemount-based campaign, I would encourage President Cleveland to return to St. Louis, this time to sing the praises of the Democratic ticket. I am certain he will be received there as well as he was in the springtime.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 989, \"fields\": {\"question\": 141, \"description\": \"The spirit of the Democratic platform assures conservative instead of rash action. I will repeat my points on anti-imperialism, tariff reform, and obedience to the constitution, and outline my disinterest in renomination if elected.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 990, \"fields\": {\"question\": 141, \"description\": \"I must rise above simple adherence to our platform, and hit upon the many abuses of power which Mr. Roosevelt has laid bare to the American people. I propose bold actions to combat imperialism, unjust tariffs, and executive encroachment -- these are the ideas that unite us as Democrats.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 991, \"fields\": {\"question\": 141, \"description\": \"I must rise above simple adherence to our platform, and take a stand for the working man. I will pledge my support to the Bryanite ideas of the income tax, an eight hour work day, and continued action against bad trusts, while keeping intact the balance of labor and capital that allows our country to prosper.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 992, \"fields\": {\"question\": 142, \"description\": \"Executive Encroachment. I refer to this issue as one of Constitutionalism versus Imperialism. We cannot permit the arrogation of unconstitutional powers by the executive branch of our Government. Already the National Government has become centralized beyond any point imagined by the framers of the Constitution.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 993, \"fields\": {\"question\": 142, \"description\": \"Tariff Reform is one of the cardinal principles of the Democratic faith. The Dingley tariff is excessive in many of its rates, and unjustly burdens the people. We demand the gradual reduction of tariffs by the friends of the masses, and for the common weal.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 994, \"fields\": {\"question\": 142, \"description\": \"American Citizenship. The pledge of our platform to secure to our citizens, without distinction of race or creed, the equal protection of the laws and the enjoyment of all the rights and privileges open to them under the covenants of our treaties, should be made good to them.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 999, \"fields\": {\"question\": 144, \"description\": \"I believe in the efficient and expeditious construction of an isthmian canal. However, the manner by which the Executive went about acquiring the Canal routes and rights is a source of great regret, and has violated the national good faith.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1000, \"fields\": {\"question\": 144, \"description\": \"Of course, but we ought to focus on the broader message of financial accountability. Even excluding the sum of 50 million paid to the State of Panama for land rights, the expenditures of the last fiscal year exceeded 532 million, more than double that of the first year of Mr. Cleveland’s administration.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1001, \"fields\": {\"question\": 144, \"description\": \"I cannot conscionably indorse the construction of the Canal as is now underway. It is a massive drain on the nation’s finances, an economic boondoggle that serves only to inflate the President’s ego. I would halt this project for the time being while determining how to proceed in a cost-effective manner.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1002, \"fields\": {\"question\": 145, \"description\": \"I believe I have said all that could hope to be said by a candidate in support of the established financial system of this country. Let us turn to the more pressing issues of the campaign, rather than alienate the Bryan wing of the party.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1003, \"fields\": {\"question\": 145, \"description\": \"My nomination represents a return to the core tenets of the Democracy: sound money, reasonable economic policy, and non-intervention. I will make sure to emphasize this as I campaign.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1004, \"fields\": {\"question\": 145, \"description\": \"The vote of the Convention clearly indicates a repudiation of Bryan’s demagoguery on all fronts. The American people can rest assured that our party has rejected radicalism and embraced common sense.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1011, \"fields\": {\"question\": 148, \"description\": \"It would be unbecoming of me to interfere in the affairs of the state party. Let them sort the matter on their own.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1012, \"fields\": {\"question\": 148, \"description\": \"I will not allow Tammany Hall to jeopardize our success in New York through their row against McCarren. I will demand they drop this crusade, lest we distract ourselves from the more important goal.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1013, \"fields\": {\"question\": 149, \"description\": \"Roosevelt’s heavy-handed actions against the trusts of this country, without any accountability, speak to the danger of his ineffectual meddling. I am the candidate of the honest businessman; if elected, I shall not interfere with the natural course of the markets in this manner.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1014, \"fields\": {\"question\": 149, \"description\": \"It is well known to all that the President is subordinate to the interests of his financial backers. His conception of a bad trust includes any that does not participate in that racket -- I am the candidate of the working man, and will approach antitrust action accordingly.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1015, \"fields\": {\"question\": 149, \"description\": \"I am in accord with the President on the issue of combating bad trusts. The American system cannot flourish without competition and risk -- continued action in this manner will benefit the financier and the worker alike.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1016, \"fields\": {\"question\": 149, \"description\": \"I would prefer not to comment. Our relationships with business and labor are in a good state, and I will capitalize on this to hit home the message of renewed prosperity for all classes under a Parker administration.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1460, \"fields\": {\"question\": 193, \"description\": \"I should be very happy indeed to have the President make speeches on my behalf. He will be of particular help to unite the business wing of the party behind the ticket.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1461, \"fields\": {\"question\": 193, \"description\": \"While I am most gracious for his offer, I would prefer not to agitate Bryan’s supporters in the South and West of the country. We will have need of the farmer masses if we are to hope for victory.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1462, \"fields\": {\"question\": 193, \"description\": \"While I should not like to have the President making a circuit of the country, I would be delighted to have him give a speech in favor of my candidacy to open the campaign.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1464, \"fields\": {\"question\": 194, \"description\": \"It would be improper to make a circle around the country, but I would relish the opportunity to meet supporters at my home in Rosemount. We should spread the word and prepare refreshments for all those who feel like making the trip.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1465, \"fields\": {\"question\": 194, \"description\": \"If we want to be serious about winning, we must take our campaign westward and meet with common folk across the country. Surely we can spare some of our advertising budget to make this happen.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1466, \"fields\": {\"question\": 194, \"description\": \"I do not plan to campaign in person. My low profile is a boon in itself, and I do not think my socializing with voters would help much of anything.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1468, \"fields\": {\"question\": 195, \"description\": \"We cannot hope to secure a majority in the Senate within the next four years. Accordingly, tariff reduction must be gradual and reasonable -- nothing to which the Republican majority could not assent.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1469, \"fields\": {\"question\": 195, \"description\": \"We must secure drastic reductions to the tariff rate, by all means including a full repeal of the Dingley Act. I am certain we can elect a Congress amenable to this goal.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1470, \"fields\": {\"question\": 195, \"description\": \"I will utilize the full powers of my office to secure the lowest possible tariffs, a repeal of the Dingley Act, and other measures to enhance our foreign trade. This is an area where we cannot hesitate to make good on our promises.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1471, \"fields\": {\"question\": 195, \"description\": \"With the Senate utterly captive to the Republican will, there is little I could hope to do unless a Democratic Congress is returned by voters. Let that be a motive to support Democrats down the ballot.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1472, \"fields\": {\"question\": 196, \"description\": \"My reputation as a friend of the working man is well-established enough that we may hope those who support the tax will come around, without us having to alienate the business class. I will say nothing about this.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1473, \"fields\": {\"question\": 196, \"description\": \"I am supportive of a progressive income tax. We must do more to expand our base, and we have a real opening to appeal to the as-of-yet apathetic industrial working class.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1474, \"fields\": {\"question\": 196, \"description\": \"An income tax is both preposterous and unconstitutional. We advocate for a reduction in tariffs, spending, and taxes, across the board.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1475, \"fields\": {\"question\": 196, \"description\": \"I rather favor a land value tax, which would ease the burden on renters and provide innovative ways to raise funds while disincentivizing land speculation.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1476, \"fields\": {\"question\": 197, \"description\": \"No; throw this libel in the trash where it belongs.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1477, \"fields\": {\"question\": 197, \"description\": \"We must loudly call this for what it is: libel, of the sort that threatens to drag this gentlemanly campaign into the gutter. Is that the level to which Republicans now stoop?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1478, \"fields\": {\"question\": 197, \"description\": \"I would be remiss not to clarify that I only voted for Bryan on the basis of my belief in tariff reform, and my record should not be seen as an indorsement of his views.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1479, \"fields\": {\"question\": 197, \"description\": \"I accept no shame in having been a loyal Democratic voter throughout my life. I have endeavored in all respects to advance the Democratic agenda, whether or not I am in accord with every single plank of any given year’s platform. I resent these insidious misrepresentations of my motivations.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1531, \"fields\": {\"question\": 214, \"description\": \"Roosevelt has overseen a departure from the principles of the Monroe Doctrine, whereby he now proclaims America’s right to act as a regional policeman. If we now permit meddling in the affairs of South American nations, it can only open the door to further imperialism.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1532, \"fields\": {\"question\": 214, \"description\": \"I cannot imagine any benefit to be gained from inserting ourselves into this issue; the President’s actions produced a favorable outcome and bolstered his tough image. We can only hurt our ticket by commenting.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1533, \"fields\": {\"question\": 214, \"description\": \"I support the President’s actions, and agree with his interpretation of the Monroe Doctrine extending to the economic stability of the continent at large. I would formalize this policy if elected.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1539, \"fields\": {\"question\": 217, \"description\": \"An excellent development indeed. In my final swing around the Northeast, I will make frequent reference to these emerging reports and emphasize my own record of clean conduct and integrity against these scandalous charges.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1540, \"fields\": {\"question\": 217, \"description\": \"I will immediately take the attack to Cortelyou, but it would be highly improper to insinuate that the President had any part in this. What he suffers from is not corruption, but rather poor judgment and a mismanaged campaign apparatus.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1541, \"fields\": {\"question\": 217, \"description\": \"I must keep silent. One cannot be certain as to the veracity of these allegations until they are proven, and I must not put my name on this affair until I am absolutely certain they are true.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1564, \"fields\": {\"question\": 225, \"description\": \"Watson is an old codger with nothing better to do than to whip up racial resentments, a shallow vision of populism indeed. I will not reply to his query.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1565, \"fields\": {\"question\": 225, \"description\": \"I would indeed seat Booker Washington at my table. I applaud the strides taken by the President on the matter of race relations in our country, though I would not favor action by the National Government in any administrative capacity.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1566, \"fields\": {\"question\": 225, \"description\": \"I would answer most positively to all of his questions. Roosevelt’s embrace of the Negro has proven to be entirely performative, and I detect an opportunity to pry their votes away. I will promise to extend my utmost amity to Negroes if elected, and work to advance their place in our shared society.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1573, \"fields\": {\"question\": 228, \"description\": \"I will be delighted to accept Bryan’s indorsement, and look forward to hearing of his travels across the Mid-West.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1574, \"fields\": {\"question\": 228, \"description\": \"Accepting Bryan’s support will only give cause for Republicans to brand me as a radical. I would prefer he remain silent.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1575, \"fields\": {\"question\": 228, \"description\": \"I will accept his indorsement, but I do not wish for him to take the stump. It is better that we benefit from the image of a united party without throwing the newspapers into a panic.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1602, \"fields\": {\"question\": 237, \"description\": \"I have made clear my conviction that self-determination and independence are of the same make, and what we graciously gave to the Cubans, we should now extend to the Filipinos. I see no reason to elaborate further.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1603, \"fields\": {\"question\": 237, \"description\": \"McKinley’s “benevolent assimilation” was little more than a thin veil for what Roosevelt now continues: imperialism. Every day that land remains occupied is a betrayal of our democratic values; I propose a full withdrawal with recognition of an independent Philippine Republic.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1604, \"fields\": {\"question\": 237, \"description\": \"I am concerned that our overextension into foreign land may draw the lesser races to our own. It is on this basis that I believe withdrawal is necessary, that we may have and keep a white man’s government in this country.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1605, \"fields\": {\"question\": 237, \"description\": \"I believe in the eventual independence of the Philippines, though I find it a reasonable prospect to focus on training and civilizing the Filipinos first, so that our withdrawal does not precipitate disaster.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1608, \"fields\": {\"question\": 239, \"description\": \"With this, we can be confident that the true nature of the charges against Roosevelt will soon reveal itself. I must take to the attack; no better statute than that which created the Department of Commerce could have been devised for financing the present Republican candidate. I will press these points in every speech I make, and denounce corruption of the highest order. Had Grover Cleveland done a fraction of what Roosevelt seems to have permitted, he would have been surely impeached and punished!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1609, \"fields\": {\"question\": 239, \"description\": \"True as this corruption may be, to press the attack may come back to hurt us if we are unable to produce conclusive evidence that speaks to Cortelyou’s corruption. It would be best to keep our focus on policy, and let the yellow press determine the course of this affair.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1611, \"fields\": {\"question\": 240, \"description\": \"Our hopes in this election hinge on New York. I will make speeches to party leaders and businessmen in the city, and visit our campaign headquarters to greet those hard workers helping me to victory.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1612, \"fields\": {\"question\": 240, \"description\": \"I must venture west. We will take the train lines through the Mid-West, onto Kansas City, and double back through the Upper South.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1613, \"fields\": {\"question\": 240, \"description\": \"New England will be the battleground of this election, I am sure of it. Its small size will allow us to cover much ground in short time.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1614, \"fields\": {\"question\": 240, \"description\": \"Nonsense. We should reserve campaign funds for the distribution of campaign materials and advertisements; I am more than content to remain at Rosemount.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1615, \"fields\": {\"question\": 241, \"description\": \"I will make no comment except for my belief in judicial restraint. As my time on the bench shows, I favor the impartial maintenance of the rights of both labor and capital.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1616, \"fields\": {\"question\": 241, \"description\": \"In recent years I have become concerned with the power exercised by the forces of capital over the common man. If elected, I hope to pass laws regulating working hours, and provide for some form of insurance against injury and unemployment.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1642, \"fields\": {\"question\": 249, \"description\": \"It would fall beneath my dignity as a judge to go around soliciting campaign donations. I will continue to make known my positions, and let my supporters speak well of me, without reaching in desperation for funds.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1643, \"fields\": {\"question\": 249, \"description\": \"We must unlock Hearst’s vast funds in some way. I will appeal to him personally that victory could be ours, if only we stand by the Democracy. I will also provide assurances on agreeable progressive policies such as the eight hour work day.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1644, \"fields\": {\"question\": 249, \"description\": \"I will assail Davis to provide more funds for the campaign. While he does the Lord’s good work in West Virginia, surely he can give a little more to plaster our names nationwide.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1645, \"fields\": {\"question\": 250, \"description\": \"Taft’s attack deserves no response. I believe voters will see through his ridiculous accusations and, as we stay above the fray, lend us their support.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1646, \"fields\": {\"question\": 250, \"description\": \"It is the height of the Republicans’ presumptuous lunacy to lay the blame for the ongoing catastrophe at the feet of Democrats. The Filipinos are fighting for their independence, an independence which should not be delayed by Roosevelt’s imperialistic ambition.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1647, \"fields\": {\"question\": 250, \"description\": \"We must take the attack to the Republicans on this issue. I will fire back, accusing Taft and Roosevelt of wanting to enslave the Filipinos and turn their country into a resource colony for an American Empire -- the doctrine of peaceful assimilation is a barefaced lie.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1648, \"fields\": {\"question\": 251, \"description\": \"I cannot. It is not certain that what information I have will even make the difference -- if we put our trust in the people, I am certain they will keep the faith and ignore Mr. Roosevelt’s bluster. I will simply repeat to the audience the general points relayed by the Democratic media.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1649, \"fields\": {\"question\": 251, \"description\": \"I must. It breaks me to betray my oath, but with apologies to Mr. Lamont, this is vital information that must be conveyed to the American people. It is with a heavy heart for our democracy that I must present to the audience in Brooklyn conclusive evidence of Mr. Cortelyou’s improper relation to the trusts.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2101, \"fields\": {\"question\": 145, \"description\": \"While my stance on the currency issue is known, I hope to make amends between warring factions of our party. I will make reference to several of Bryan’s economic policies as I campaign.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2102, \"fields\": {\"question\": 142, \"description\": \"Anti-Imperialism. I am in hearty accord with that plank in our platform that favors doing that for the Filipinos what we have already done for the Cubans. The toleration of tyranny over others will soon breed contempt for freedom and self-government, and weaken our power of resistance to insidious usurpation of our constitutional rights.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2103, \"fields\": {\"question\": 148, \"description\": \"I cannot allow our success in New York to be jeopardized by the foibles of machine politics; McCarren must retire, and I will instruct my friends to drop their support of him.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2104, \"fields\": {\"question\": 225, \"description\": \"Most certainly not. The President’s embrace of Negroes as equals is unsuitable to the natural order, and rightly alarms Southerners. To Mr. Ross and our loyal Negro voters I extend my courtesy, but we have no plans to interfere with the rights of the states.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2105, \"fields\": {\"question\": 144, \"description\": \"I entirely support the actions the President has taken so far to secure for the United States an isthmian canal. This project is vital to our national trade ambitions, and I would continue the ongoing work if elected.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2106, \"fields\": {\"question\": 249, \"description\": \"I will approach business leaders in New York who have backed my candidacy. With continued assurances on my faith in the party’s conservative platform, I am confident they will see fit to loosen up and help bring the ticket over the finish line.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2107, \"fields\": {\"question\": 241, \"description\": \"I will say nothing of the rights of labor; my ruling in that case was based on my strict adherence to the wording of the law and nothing else. In economic matters I promise continuity first and foremost, and ending Roosevelt’s unconstitutional meddling in the affairs of the market.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2108, \"fields\": {\"question\": 217, \"description\": \"I should not speak on the specifics of this matter, but only remind my audiences as I conclude my final speaking tour that I support reforming the financing of campaigns to dilute the influence of corporate money.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 1904, \"fields\": {\"question\": 141, \"description\": \"Regrettably, I must cancel my planned speech on account of the inclement weather. I will welcome my visitors for dinner, and send an acceptance letter in lieu of a speech, repeating the points made in the Democratic platform.\"}}]"); campaignTrail_temp.states_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.state\", \"pk\": 52, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"Alabama\", \"abbr\": \"AL\", \"electoral_votes\": 11, \"popular_votes\": 108845, \"poll_closing_time\": 120, \"winner_take_all_flg\": 1, \"election\": 5}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.state\", \"pk\": 53, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"Arkansas\", \"abbr\": \"AR\", \"electoral_votes\": 9, \"popular_votes\": 116421, \"poll_closing_time\": 150, \"winner_take_all_flg\": 1, \"election\": 5}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.state\", \"pk\": 54, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"California\", \"abbr\": \"CA\", \"electoral_votes\": 10, \"popular_votes\": 331878, \"poll_closing_time\": 300, \"winner_take_all_flg\": 1, \"election\": 5}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.state\", \"pk\": 55, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"Colorado\", \"abbr\": \"CO\", 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\"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 19291, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1565, \"state\": 94, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 22, \"state_multiplier\": 0.03}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 19271, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1565, \"state\": 73, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 22, \"state_multiplier\": 0.03}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 20001, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 977, \"state\": 54, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.25}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 20002, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 977, \"state\": 55, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.15}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 20003, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 977, \"state\": 60, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.65}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 20004, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 977, \"state\": 63, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.45}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 20005, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 977, \"state\": 64, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.45}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 20006, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 977, \"state\": 71, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.45}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 20007, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 977, \"state\": 74, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.35}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 20008, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 977, \"state\": 75, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.45}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 20009, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 977, \"state\": 76, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.45}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 20010, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 977, \"state\": 81, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.65}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 20011, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 977, \"state\": 83, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.45}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 20012, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 977, \"state\": 87, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.65}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 20013, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 977, \"state\": 90, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.45}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 20014, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 977, \"state\": 93, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.45}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 20015, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 977, \"state\": 96, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.45}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 20016, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 977, \"state\": 79, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.1}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 3101, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1465, \"state\": 62, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.005}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 3102, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1465, \"state\": 63, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.005}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 3103, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1465, \"state\": 70, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.005}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 3104, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1465, \"state\": 73, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.005}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 3105, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1465, \"state\": 82, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.005}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 3106, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1465, \"state\": 84, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.005}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 3107, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 985, \"state\": 73, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.01}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 3107, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1611, \"state\": 79, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.01}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 3108, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1612, \"state\": 62, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.005}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 3109, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1612, \"state\": 65, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.005}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 3110, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1612, \"state\": 68, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.005}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 3111, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1612, \"state\": 73, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.005}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 3112, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1612, \"state\": 83, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.005}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 3113, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1612, \"state\": 94, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.005}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 3114, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1612, \"state\": 61, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.0025}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 3115, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1613, \"state\": 56, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.0075}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 3116, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1613, \"state\": 69, \"candidate\": 21, \"affected_candidate\": 21, \"state_multiplier\": 0.0075}}]"); campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 563, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 976, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your outspoken support for gold has sent shockwaves through the Convention. Bryan, though sickly, rises from his bed to denounce you, but the deed is soon done and you carry the nomination, sweeping aside Hearst and impressing the nation.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 564, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 977, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"At once, your support among the anti-silver faction collapses, as businessmen abandon your bid and resign themselves to the inevitability of Hearst’s victory. He wins a bare majority of delegates, bringing an early end to your campaign.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 567, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 980, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a good, proactive step that will put the considerable resources of the Tammany machine at your disposal in New York. Never mind the consequences down the road of empowering them…\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 568, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 981, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is the safest option. While Tammany is indifferent to your campaign, it will not hurt to avoid association with them, as they will oppose Republicans regardless.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 569, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 982, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"You have antagonized the most important ally of any Democratic ticket in the modern age, and for little gain at that. Tammany corruption is simply not an issue on the national scale. You can expect a reduction of available resources after this mistake.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 571, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 984, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"It may seem the obvious choice to travel to St. Louis, but the logistical problems posed, as well as your general strategy of retreating from the spotlight, make remaining in Esopus the more prudent option.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 572, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 985, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"With what few campaign funds you can muster, you depart Esopus for a week-long expedition to Missouri. You are received most warmly by the crowds there; Republicans criticize your politicization of the World’s Fair, but you have undoubtedly benefited in this crucial state.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 573, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 986, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Davis agrees to journey west with St. Louis as his destination. Being probably as old as the bones dug up by Cope and Marsh, he stops his trip in Indiana, complaining of fatigue. He returns to Elkins having done nothing of use.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 574, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 987, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Cleveland was treated to an ecstatic welcome when he attended the Fair’s opening, but when he makes the journey again, it is framed by Republicans as an uncouth sort of politicking, unsuitable for an occasion such as the Fair. This idea may have been counterproductive.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 575, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 989, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your single-term pledge is received well, but the newspapers lament that you have, “rather than risen above the platform, crawled pretty ignominiously beneath it.” Your speech has fallen upon the party like a wet blanket, evaporating the great expectations placed upon you.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 576, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 990, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Yes! Concerns about the sustainability of your newfound status will dissipate as the newspaper editorials positively report your strong stand for all that is just. Contrary to initial expectations, you may be able to shed your mold as an uninspiring throw-away candidate.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 577, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 991, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"You have risen above the rigid planks of the platform, but in a manner that destroys your image as a conservatively inclined candidate. You have most likely lost the opportunity to court northern moderates, leaving Bryan’s base and the South as all you have to run with.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 578, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 992, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"The degree to which Roosevelt has used his office to take executive action is certainly unprecedented, and has created much consternation. It is a good theme to hit on for voters concerned with corruption.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5791, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 993, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Tariff reform is certain to motivate your party base; repealing the Dingley Act, the highest tariff in American history, will be appreciated by all corners of the Democracy.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 579, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 994, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a sure way to contrast yourself against the President, who has favored the restriction of immigration in a foolhardy attempt to ensure “loyalty” from newcomers. You will benefit mostly from the burgeoning Irish and Italian populations of the Northeast.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 584, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 999, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a satisfying answer to the broad majority of Americans who want to see the Canal built. The greater part of the anti-imperialist bloc can get behind this message, as even they understand the boon this project will bring.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 58401, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1000, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Looping the Canal issue into a broader attack on Roosevelt’s rampant spending is a smart way to tie them together, and will appeal to the more thrifty sensibilities of the electorate.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 58402, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1001, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Opposition to the Canal policy is what sunk Arthur Gorman’s bid for the nomination you now carry. Halting construction at this juncture is wildly unpopular and contradicts the party platform.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 585, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1002, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"A wise move. The opposition of Bryan and Tillman will sting, but it is best to refrain from altering an already favorable situation and turn away from an issue where your views are identical to those of Roosevelt.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 586, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1003, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Throwing your lot in with Cleveland’s supporters will hopefully bring much-needed funds into your campaign, but be wary of how the farmer vote might see your business-backed candidacy.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 587, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1004, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Given the tenuous nature of the party’s unity, based in no small part on your refusal to take a stand for or against much of anything, silence might have been the better course on this matter.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 594, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1011, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Without your intervention, the feud will drag on until a fragile truce is soon established. An inconvenience in New York, certainly, but one that will resolve itself in due time.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 595, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1012, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"In forcing their hand, you have made Tammany choose between yourself and Murphy. Unfortunately, they chose Murphy, and you can expect a number of votes to be diverted from your ticket.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 601, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1460, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Cleveland’s visibility through your campaign will reinforce your message of a return to the old ways; though he lacks any real charm, associating with him is bound to help you win that grandest prize, New York.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 602, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1461, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Cleveland is understanding, but many take it for a foolish endeavor to win over voters who would never go for a Republican to begin with.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 603, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1462, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Good idea. Cleveland is a man with little natural charisma, but his speech evokes the people’s nostalgia for clean and honest government they had with his administration.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 605, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1464, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Eager Democrats make their way to Esopus to spend afternoons with you. However, your low profile and lack of good propagandists, as well as the difficulty in reaching your tiny village, will make this strategy far less successful than when McKinley employed it.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 606, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1465, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"With money tight, you embark on a whistle-stop tour away from New York, and into America’s heartland. While you can never hope to match Roosevelt’s gusto, it is heartening indeed for your throngs of supporters in the rest of the nation to catch a glimpse of you.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 607, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1466, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Be that as it may, your decision is a step behind the times. You are only fortunate that Roosevelt himself has been buffaloed by his party into remaining at the White House for the duration of the campaign.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 609, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1468, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is not inspiring stuff to your base, especially with protection now being the highest it has ever been. There are grumbles that you are sacrificing the common interest to appease business interests’ desire for stability.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 610, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1469, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Wishful thinking at best. But vowing to repeal the Dingley Act holds great luster to your supporters, who are encouraged by your boldness.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 611, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1470, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Voters want tariff reform, and this statement is sure to energize your base, but by what means? Carefully consider the impact of embracing centralization, the antithesis of the Democratic ideal.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 612, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1471, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"It is one thing to be realistic, but to surrender any hope of wielding political capital before even entering office? If this is the stuff of which your campaign is made, you may as well quit now.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 613, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1472, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Without a word from you, business remains united, but you may be overestimating your reputation among the progressives, most of whom never even heard of you before the Convention.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 614, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1473, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"An income tax is anathema to business interests, many of whom will now eagerly desert your campaign. You may succeed in prying away those pitiful few votes otherwise destined for the socialist candidate, but that is a small consolation indeed.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 615, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1474, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a line more in agreement with party orthodoxy, and will encourage business to support your campaign. Some editors still grumble that you only seem to be promising another Cleveland administration.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 616, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1475, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"The concept of taxing the unimproved value of land is new, but has its supporters, as seen in the late Henry George’s recent runs for office. Perhaps you can give the idea some traction, though it makes business anxious.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 617, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1476, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"The baseless rumor-mongering of Republicans will undoubtedly fail to turn any heads, and instead redouble the people’s faith in your good judgment.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 618, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1477, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"The President is said to be unaware of this compilation, but drawing attention to it is good for press; voters disfavor setting the campaign along personal lines, and will react in kind to this news.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 619, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1478, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"This tin-eared comment was neither wanted nor helpful at all. Furthermore, indulging even a scrap of this report can only legitimize the insulting accusations which none would have given thought to, had you refrained.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 620, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1479, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"While ignoring it may have been best, your supporters admire your consistency, and will surely not be swayed by unfounded speculation. It is not a popular thing in this day and age to cast aspersions on a candidate’s good faith.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 629, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1531, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a straightforward advancement of the party’s anti-imperialist ethos. While Roosevelt’s actions regarding Venezuela are generally popular, it cannot hurt among those concerned with the situation in Santo Domingo, where his actions threaten to repeat themselves.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 62901, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1532, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Anti-imperialists are disappointed by your silence, while Roosevelt continues to hold the public admiration for his “big stick” attitude, one which now goes unchallenged.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 630, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1533, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"As the incumbent and initiator of the affair, Roosevelt holds all the cards where intervention is concerned, and so taking the same position as him gains you nothing while annoying a large part of the party’s anti-imperialist base.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 631, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1539, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"All previously held notions of how this election will shape up have come undone. You now have the ear of the nation, and with daily developments in the Cortelyou story, you finally have some last-minute momentum.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 63101, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1540, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your team wonders if such nuance is the right fit for the new era of politics, but keeping your distance from Roosevelt for now is smart. Still, the developing story is painting a much brighter picture for your campaign than it ever was before.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 63102, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1541, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your team is exasperated by your continued silence, especially after a campaign in which silence has almost never benefited you.
If not now, when? If not this, what? You seem determined to lose in spite of everything now being handed to you on a silver platter.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 633, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1566, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Trying to outflank Roosevelt on race, of all things, is a futile effort; not even Bryan would dare crack open Pandora’s Box in this manner. Your actions are regarded most queerly in the North, and will sunder your reputation in the South as enraged whites switch their votes to Watson.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 643, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1645, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Outside of dedicated anti-imperialists, Roosevelt’s actions in the Philippines have been rather popular with the paternalistic mentality of most Americans. You will have to push the margin if you want to make this a competitive issue.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 64301, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1646, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"What energy! This is what Democrats want to see more of as you campaign. By drawing attention to Roosevelt’s ambition to subjugate small nations, you can make foreign policy the defining issue of this campaign.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 64302, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1647, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Typically, you’d want to rely on your surrogates to do the mud-slinging for you. To hear this kind of talk from a candidate is a step too far for most Americans -- they believe it undignified to doubt their opponent’s good faith.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 644, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1648, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your certainty was misplaced. The scandal collapses as soon as you admit you have no substance to prove the allegations. The public trusts the President far more than some anonymous muckrakers, and you are left looking the fool after what could have been a roaring comeback.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 645, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1649, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Roosevelt’s gambit to shift the burden of proof has floundered. Though you broke your vow to Lamont, the revelation of salacious acts committed by Cortelyou, seemingly with the President’s approval, have all but destroyed the Republicans’ credibility at the very last minute.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 646, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2101, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Be careful not to repudiate the very reason for your candidacy. Bryan’s followers are listening with keen ears, but you are at danger of sounding like a loon to the rest of the voters.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 647, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2102, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"It is rather bold to dispel any ambiguity as regards the independence of the Philippines, but still a stance that will earn you support from voters concerned with the imperialist attitude that has dominated since McKinley’s election.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 648, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2103, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"McCarren is outraged by your betrayal, and the newspapers make note of your capitulation to Tammany Hall. On the bright side, your vote count in New York City should see a noticeable improvement.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 649, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2104, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"A strong answer, but one that will help keep the Upper South in line where Watson threatens to split the vote in Roosevelt’s favor. It is, however, a little behind the times in the North.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 650, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2105, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"You have earned the ire of some fiscal conservatives and isolationists, but continuity appeals to businessmen who have a vested interest in completing the Canal as soon as possible. Your party did, after all, vote in spades for the Canal Act.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 651, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2106, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Businessmen may back you, but the prevailing mood this year is that victory is far out of reach for a candidate such as yourself. Your meetings with industry captains produce only tepid agreements on the importance of their money, and it is unlikely to amount to anything.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 652, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2107, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"This will tide over any concern from businessmen and reinforce the public’s admiration of your reputation as a fair and impartial judge.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 653, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2108, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Many admire your reticence to jump in the fray, though they question why it is only just now that you begin to open your mouth on this issue. Regardless, the developing story is pointing towards abominable corruption from Cortelyou, which can only benefit you.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 654, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1904, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"The newspapers are rather disappointed, after the great hubbub generated in the runup to your first big speech following the Convention. They will have to wait a little while longer to get that satisfaction.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 655, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1602, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"A general statement of support for Philippine independence is in line with the Democratic platform, and should placate anti-imperialists in the party.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 656, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1603, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"A strong repudiation of Republican imperialism brings cheers from across the land, and appeals most to Bryan’s supporters. You have drawn a firm line here, and encouraged those who were hoping for you to take a stand on the issue.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 657, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1604, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"You have echoed Ben Tillman’s words on the matter -- but race is not the driving force behind the larger anti-imperialist sentiment, and your remarks will make many northerners uncomfortable.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 658, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1605, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a waffling statement compared to your previously strong stance on the issue, and will not be taken positively by Democrats. Anti-imperialism is a core value of the Democratic party, and you would be well-advised to take heed of it.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 659, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1564, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Watson’s clearly lost the plot, and you’ve acted wisely in remaining mute. It’s best not to upset the regional dynamic of your support, although it is likely that the black vote will remain firmly in Roosevelt’s corner this year.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 660, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1565, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"You are really pushing the limits of acceptable politics from a Democratic candidate. You have taken the same stance of Roosevelt, and will surely sway many black voters, but how much will it cost you in the Solid South?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 661, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1642, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is not a winning mentality, and your team sees this well enough. You entered this election to present the American people with a choice, but seemingly not to influence them in any way to accept this choice as the better of the two.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 662, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1643, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Hearst is uninterested in helping your campaign, either out of ambition for 1908 or disaffection with the conduct of your primary backers. His newspapers, which could afford a full headline that might make all the difference to your profile, print your name only in small type.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 663, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1644, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Davis may be a millionaire, but he is not a billionaire. He can give a little more, but for the most part seems to be more focused on enjoying the candidate’s life rather than actually winning office.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 664, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1611, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Come what may, you could not possibly hope for victory without carrying New York. Your meetings with businessmen are somewhat productive; upon arrival at your campaign headquarters, no one recognizes you.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 665, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1612, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Missouri and Maryland are certainly said to be unusually competitive this year. The party pulls out the brass bands and torchlight marches as you criss-cross the West, though your obscure profile draws a smaller than expected turnout to your stops.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 666, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1613, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Few expect the Northeast to be within reach for you, but your reasoning is sound. While you are eyed with suspicion in this Republican stronghold, the business leaders of Boston throw you a grand party.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 667, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1614, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"So then it goes. Whatever personal optimism you hold, it is not shared by your team, many of whom begin to grow despondent.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 668, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1013, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your integrity is appreciated by your supporters, but Roosevelt’s trust-busting remains broadly popular, even if you know it to be opportunistic. Coming out in opposition is consistent with the conservative line, but risks antagonizing your working class base.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 669, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1014, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Though this may be what some progressives want to hear, you have courted great controversy with the eastern financial establishment. With the economy as good as it is, this pithy attempt to imitate Bryan will work mostly to your detriment.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 670, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1015, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Trust-busting is the most identifiable appeal for Roosevelt. By taking the same position as him (contrary to the party line at that), you have ceded the argument, alienated your backers, and given no compelling reason for voters to choose you over him.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 671, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1016, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is the sort of vague, feel-good message that appeals to moderates without alienating the progressives. Given the passions on both sides of the argument, it may truly be best to equivocate here.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 672, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1615, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"While your campaign will still circulate your pro-labor decisions in the West, this is a satisfactory answer to your business backers, if unlikely to change much.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 673, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1616, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your sympathetic words will doubtlessly inspire Bryan’s farmer base without completely alienating business. You can give private assurances to your financiers that these words will not mean much with Republicans in control of Congress.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 674, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1573, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"A little bit older now, the “Boy Orator of the Platte” does not overstrain himself on your behalf, but does turn heads as he circuits the country. He makes reference to yourself as Moses, and him as Aaron, your speechmaker.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 675, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1574, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a great disappointment to all in the party, and will only retrench the divisions already present between the Bryanites and Clevelandites. Bryan himself is content to settle in and wait four years until he has a better chance at victory.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 676, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1575, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"There is no one who might be concerned by Bryan’s campaigning who has not already concluded that you are not winning this election in any case. While it is nice to have both him and Cleveland behind the ticket, you are passing on a good opportunity to boost your support in the West.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 677, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1608, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"As you speak to a wildly enthusiastic crowd in Madison Square Garden, the excitement in the air is palpable. People really feel as if you have a chance to mount a comeback of epic proportions next week. Can you do it?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 678, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 1609, \"candidate\": 21, \"answer_feedback\": \"The campaign has concluded. The emerging stories do not look good for the President, but without your involvement, they are not seen as serious enough to damage him, and his campaign opts to play it safe and refrain from comment. Best of luck, Judge Parker.\"}}]"); campaignTrail_temp.candidate_image_url = ''; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = ''; campaignTrail_temp.candidate_last_name = 'Parker'; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = 'Davis'; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_state_id = '94'; campaignTrail_temp.player_answers = []; campaignTrail_temp.player_visits = []; campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_flg = 1; campaignTrail_temp.game_start_logging_id = '3668570';